Potage de patate douce, céleri-rave et chorizo

SWEET POTATO, CELERIAC AND CHORIZO SOUP.  Scroll down for the recipe in English… Un potage consistant en mai?  Ben oui! Par Ici, on dirait bien que le printemps nous a oubliés! C’est donc par une journée froide et pluvieuse que j’ai improvisé cette délicieuse soupe bien relevée, avec les légumes racines que j’avais au frigo. Les parfums du chorizo poêlé, du basilic frais et du Parmigiano Reggiano se marient à merveille dans cette belle et onctueuse soupe vitaminée.

Potage de patate douce, céleri-rave et chorizo --- Sweet potato, celeriac and chorizo soup

Je vous promets de vous partager bientôt la recette de pain sans pétrissage (100% sans effort, pour le boulanger paresseux) qui accompagne la soupe sur la photo ci-dessus…


Potage de patate douce, céleri-rave et chorizo --- Sweet potato, celeriac and chorizo soupINGRÉDIENTS (6 -8 portions)

2 patates douces pelées et coupées en petits cubes (600 g)

1 petit céleri-rave, pelé et coupé en petits dés (700 g)

4 échalotes françaises hachées

4 gousses d’ail hachées

150 g de chorizo en petits dés

huile d’olive

2 feuilles de laurier

750 ml à 1 L de bouillon au choix

100 g de parmesan haché finement ou râpé

 1 généreuse poignée de feuilles de basilic frais

125 ml (1/2 tasse) de lait ou de crème à cuisson 15%

Pimenton (paprika fumé)

Verser un filet d’huile et y faire dorer les dés de chorizo dans une grande cocotte ou casserole. Retirer le chorizo et garder l’huile, maintenant bien parfumée, dans la cocotte. Y mettre les échalotes, l’ail et les feuilles de laurier et cuire pendant 4-5 minutes à feu moyen, jusqu’à tendreté des légumes. Ajouter les dés de légumes racines, ainsi qu’un peu de sel et de poivre, et faire cuire à feu moyen-doux pendant environ 20 minutes, à découvert, le temps que les légumes perdent de l’eau et concentrent leurs saveurs. Ajouter le bouillon aux légumes, couvrir, et laisser mijoter pendant 10 minutes. Ajouter le parmesan à la soupe et mixer afin d’obtenir une texture lisse (au blender ou au robot plongeur). Y ajouter de la crème et / ou du lait jusqu’à consistance désirée. Ajouter le basilic haché à la dernière minute. Goûter et rectifier l’assaisonnement.

Servir chaud et garnir d’un filet d’huile d’olive, de lardons de chorizo, de basilic frais et d’une pincée de pimenton. Bon appétit!



Potage de patate douce, céleri-rave et chorizo --- Sweet potato, celeriac and chorizo soupSWEET POTATO, CELERIAC AND CHORIZO SOUP

You are probably wondering why I chose to share this winter vegetable soup in May? Because it is freezing up here! Today was a cold and rainy day, so I improvised a recipe with the vegetables I had in the refrigerator. The flavours of sauteed chorizo, Parmigiano Reggiano and fresh basil were a perfect match for this creamy, vitamin-rich soup.

Potage de patate douce, céleri-rave et chorizo --- Sweet potato, celeriac and chorizo soupNB: The soup was delicious with homemade no knead bread… Recipe coming soon!

This will be my contribution to this week’s Fiesta Friday 🙂 

Fiesta Friday - Badge


Potage de patate douce, céleri-rave et chorizo --- Sweet potato, celeriac and chorizo soup

INGREDIENTS (6-8 servings)

2 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced (600 g)

1 small celeriac, peeled and diced (700 g)

4 chopped shallots

4 cloves of garlic, chopped

150 g (5 oz) finely diced chorizo

olive oil

2 bay leaves

750 ml to 1 L (3 -4 cups) broth / stock (your choice)

100 g ( 3 1/2 oz) finely chopped (or grated) parmesan

 1 generous handful of fresh basil leaves

125 ml (1/2 cup) milk or 15% cooking cream

Pimenton (Spanish smoked paprika)

Pour a drizzle of oil in a large saucepan and sauté the diced chorizo until crispy and brown. Remove the meat but keep its delicious spicy fat in the saucepan! Add the shallots, garlic and bay leaves to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes, uncovered,  in the hot oil/fat  (medium heat), stirring frequently. Add the root vegetables and some salt and pepper to the saucepan, and cook uncovered over medium -low heat for about 20 minutes. The vegetables will lose some water content and their flavours will concentrate during these 20 minutes…  Add the broth / stock to the vegetables, cover and let simmer for about 10 minutes. Add the chopped parmesan to the soup and pour everything in a blender  or use your hand mixer to get a smooth texture. Add cream and / or milk to the soup until you get the consistency you want, and add the basil just before serving.  Taste and add more salt / pepper if needed…

Serve hot and garnish with a drizzle of olive oil, some diced chorizo, fresh chopped basil, and a touch of smoked paprika. Bon appétit!



47 réponses

  1. bonjour Catherine,avec du retard a l’allumage ,j’ai essaye et goute votre soupe patate douce ,celeri rave,chorizo,une merveille,mais j’ai mixe le chorizo avec le potage,ce qui l’a ‘rendue un peu plus relevee,enfin pour vous dire que c’est un regal


    • Thank you Michelle! By the way, have you ever heard about Fiesta Friday? It is a weekly virtual party between bloggers (you don’t have to participate every week), started by Angie, The Novice Gardener. Many bloggers participate and I am co-hosting the first Fiesta Friday challenge, which is to create a recipe using both yeast and herbs. If you are interested, please read my post « Fiesta Friday Challenge #1 » for details (the challenge ends on May 25). Have a good day!


  2. Dear Catherine, I love all the flavors in this soup. Visiting your blog always makes me want to learn French! I’ve found chorizo to be so useful — with shellfish, with cheese in a charcuterie presentation, on toast. Such an intense smoky flavor. I bet the celery root mellows the sweetness of the sweet potato in this soup, too. Thank you for bringing it to the party!


    • Thank you so much for your comment! That is exactly why I mixed celeriac with the sweet potatoes… to mellow the sweetness 🙂 And a celeriac soup without the sweetness of the sweet potatoes would be too strong, almost bitter. The 2 vegetables are a perfect match 🙂


    • Mademoiselle, I am not the biggest fan of sweet potatoes , especially when recipes add some sugar to this already very sweet vegetable… The celeriac makes all the difference in this soup.

      THank you for your visit and kind words 🙂


  3. I just LOVE sweet potato soup –
    not just in the winter but any time!
    I’ve never put chorizo with it, but that is such a great idea.
    Thank you, Catherine – and I do hope that your weather warms up soon!
    Emma 🙂


  4. Catherine – J’aime ca beaucoup! I collected my vegetable box earlier and it has a celeriac in it as well as some pumpkin – I have some cooking chorizo and basil in the fridge – I am so making this tomorrow! From what I can see of your pimenton, I think it is the same brand that Jamie Oliver raves about. Lovely recipe, perfect for the party and such gorgeous photos too!


  5. Bread and soup can’t go wrong and I don’t mind having them anytime of the year! This looks flavorful and so yummy, Catherine. Thanks for bringing it to FF15. 🙂

    Also, I would like to thank you for coming up (together with Angie) with the idea of FFC1. It’s really amazing and taking FF to the next level.

    Have a wonderful day and enjoy FF15. ❤


  6. Hi Catherine! This is an amazing soup for any time of the year!! I eat so much soup, no matter the season, so this is one I will try very soon! I love chorizo!! 😀 Thanks so much for bringing this to FF!


  7. What a delicious and interesting looking soup, Catherine. I’ve never had a soup with chorizo in it before (that I can remember) and I’m thinking I’ve been missing out. Hope it warms up for you soon!


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